Extract continued dispensing file

Version 1.1.1

This XSL stylesheet produces the continued dispensing extract file (cd_yyyymmdd.txt) from a PBS XML document.

The source document must be a PBS XML document.

The result document is a text file.

The default field delimiter is the tab character.

Field Name Format Maximum Length Description
Item Code Character 6 Five or six alphanumeric characters in format (n)nnnna.
LI Drug String Optional: Legislative Instrument - drug name. If this is not found, returns the MP name.
LI Form String Optional: Legislative Instrument - form and strength descriptor. If this is not found, returns the MPP name.
Continued dispensing Character 1 If 'Y', then Continued Dispensing is allowed. If 'N' then Continued Dispensing is not allowed.


Parameter: "display"

Default value: ""item-code,cont-disp""


Specify which fields to include and in which order

Parameter: "delimiter"

Default value: "" ""


The character to use to separate fields.

Revision History

Version Release date Changes
1.1.1 06 November 2013 Fix variable definition
1.1 29 October 2013 Map default values to 'Y' or 'N'
1.0 21 June 2013 Initial version.