Logo: Department of HealthLogo: Pharmaceutical Benefits SchemePBS XML
PBS XML Schema Version 3.1.9

Element <svg:radialGradient>

Belongs to http://www.w3.org/2000/svg XML Namespace. Defined in PBS XML Schema grammar.

This is a complex type of element.


Zero or more of the following:

Pattern SVG.Description.class

Zero or more of the following:

Any one of the following:

May be used in


The svg:radialGradient element may include the following attributes:

Name Optional Allowed Values Default Value Comments
id Yes text
xml:base Yes "anyURI" datatype
xml:lang Yes "language" datatype
xml:space Yes Any one of: "default", "preserve"
color Yes "string" datatype
color-interpolation Yes Any one of: "auto", "sRGB", "linearRGB", "inherit"
color-rendering Yes Any one of: "auto", "optimizeSpeed", "optimizeQuality", "inherit"
xlink:type Yes "simple" simple
xlink:href Yes "anyURI" datatype
xlink:role Yes "anyURI" datatype
xlink:arcrole Yes "anyURI" datatype
xlink:title Yes
xlink:show Yes Any one of: "other" other
xlink:actuate Yes "onLoad" onLoad
externalResourcesRequired Yes Any one of: "false", "true"
cx Yes "string" datatype
cy Yes "string" datatype
r Yes "string" datatype
fx Yes "string" datatype
fy Yes "string" datatype
gradientUnits Yes Any one of: "userSpaceOnUse", "objectBoundingBox"
gradientTransform Yes "string" datatype
spreadMethod Yes Any one of: "pad", "reflect", "repeat"