Method GET
Embargo Data No
Requires authentication No
Description The Summary of Changes table explains the differences between the datamart schedules (see SCHEDULE_T). This is one line per affected row per affected table per schedule. It is both derived programmatically, and yields programmatic code that could be applied to last months datamart to update it to create this months schedule.


Parameter Description Default Required Example
format specifies the output format JSON false ?format=csv
include_header specifies whether a header is included in the results. Note: only works for CSV output formats. false false ?include_header=true
download specifies whether the request should prompt a download response in the user's browser (Chrome compatible) false false ?download=true
SCHEDULE_CODE Schedule Code is a unique identifier given to each month's Schedule. By having a Schedule Code in each table, 13 months (schedules) worth of data can be maintained in the Data Mart to assist users in the identification of Delisted Items and change-over-time. In order to see what year/month/effective date a schedule code refers to, look it up in the SCHEDULE_T table
false ?SCHEDULE_CODE=**exampleValue**
CHANGE_TYPE Determines whether the change to the row between the Schedule and the previous Schedule was an UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE
false ?CHANGE_TYPE=**exampleValue**
CHANGE_TABLE Indicates which table the change relates to
false ?CHANGE_TABLE=**exampleValue**
EFFECTIVE_DATE The Specifc date for which the data mart is valid
false ?EFFECTIVE_DATE=**exampleValue**
SQL_STATEMENT The SQL Statement is code that could be run against a copy of last month's schedule to update it to this months. Note this assumes a one-for-one copy of last month's Schedule was made into the underlying tables against the new Schedule Code.
false ?SQL_STATEMENT=**exampleValue**
DELISTING_INDICATOR Similar to the Change_Type column, this indicates if the change is a row was Deleted between the schedule code, and the previous schedule code
false ?DELISTING_INDICATOR=**exampleValue**
NEW_INDICATOR Similar to the Change_Type column, this indicates if the change is a row was Added between the schedule code, and the previous schedule code
false ?NEW_INDICATOR=**exampleValue**
MODIFIED_INDICATOR Similar to the Change_Type column, this indicates if the change is a row was UPDATED between the schedule code, and the previous schedule code
false ?MODIFIED_INDICATOR=**exampleValue**



curl -d

Sample Response

Get November 2020 Schedule's SUMMARY_OF_CHANGES data in CSV format

Sample output:

 **insert here** 

Created on , last edited on 7/12/2020