Method GET
Embargo Data No
Requires authentication No
Description A table that captures organisations who supply pharmaceuticals to the PBS system. Also know as manufacturers, responsible persons, suppliers, wholesalers and companies.


Parameter Description Default Required Example
format specifies the output format JSON false ?format=csv
include_header specifies whether a header is included in the results. Note: only works for CSV output formats. false false ?include_header=true
download specifies whether the request should prompt a download response in the user's browser (Chrome compatible) false false ?download=true
ORGANISATION_ID This is a persistent unique identifier for an Organisation
false ?ORGANISATION_ID=**exampleValue**
SCHEDULE_CODE Schedule Code is a unique identifier given to each month's Schedule. By having a Schedule Code in each table, 13 months (schedules) worth of data can be maintained in the Data Mart to assist users in the identification of Delisted Items and change-over-time. In order to see what year/month/effective date a schedule code refers to, look it up in the SCHEDULE_T table
false ?SCHEDULE_CODE=**exampleValue**
NAME Name of the organisation/manufacturer/responsible person
false ?NAME=**exampleValue**
MANUFACTURER_CODE A unique, two-letter code used to identify the organisation/manufacturer/responsible person of a listed brand.
false ?MANUFACTURER_CODE=**exampleValue**
ABN Australian Business Number of the organisation/manufacturer/responsible person
false ?ABN=**exampleValue**
STREET_ADDRESS Address of the organisation/manufacturer/responsible person
false ?STREET_ADDRESS=**exampleValue**
CITY Address of the organisation/manufacturer/responsible person
false ?CITY=**exampleValue**
STATE Address of the organisation/manufacturer/responsible person
false ?STATE=**exampleValue**
POSTCODE Address of the organisation/manufacturer/responsible person
false ?POSTCODE=**exampleValue**
TELEPHONE_NUMBER Contact number of organisation/manufacturer/responsible person
false ?TELEPHONE_NUMBER=**exampleValue**
FACSIMILE_NUMBER Fax number of organisation/manufacturer/responsible person
false ?FACSIMILE_NUMBER=**exampleValue**



curl -d

Sample Response

Get November 2020 Schedule's ORGANISATION data in CSV format

Sample output:

 **insert here** 

Created on , last edited on 7/12/2020