Method | GET |
Embargo Data | No |
Requires authentication | No |
Description | PBS concept ID's (MPP, TPP etc) mapped to the equivalent Australian Medicines Terminology (AMT) codes and preferred terms. |
Parameter | Description | Default | Required | Example |
format |
specifies the output format | JSON | false | ?format=csv |
include_header |
specifies whether a header is included in the results. Note: only works for CSV output formats. | false | false | ?include_header=true |
download |
specifies whether the request should prompt a download response in the user's browser (Chrome compatible) | false | false | ?download=true |
PBS Concept ID relates to the persistent Identifier of a PBS Concept. i.e. A PBS MPP ID, PBS TPP ID etc. | false | ?PBS_CONCEPT_ID=**exampleValue** |
This field will describe the concept type of the matched PBS ID. i.e "MPP", "TPP", "TPUU",:MP" etc. | false | ?PBS_CONCEPT_TYPE=**exampleValue** |
Schedule Code is a unique identifier given to each month's Schedule. By having a Schedule Code in each table, 13 months (schedules) worth of data can be maintained in the Data Mart to assist users in the identification of Delisted Items and change-over-time. In order to see what year/month/effective date a schedule code refers to, look it up in the SCHEDULE_T table | false | ?SCHEDULE_CODE=**exampleValue** |
The unique ID of the AMT Code (Australian Medicines Terminology). The AMT is a standards-based national approach to the unique identification (code) and naming of medicines. It has been primarily developed to be used in clinical software applications and to facilitate interoperability between systems. | false | ?AMT_CODE=**exampleValue** |
curl -d
Sample Response
Get November 2020 Schedule's ITEM_AMT_RLTD data in CSV format
Sample output:
**insert here**
Created on , last edited on 7/12/2020